Wednesday, December 30, 2009


So Christmas started Tuesday night. Left work a little early and headed to the airport with the forecast of snow...You'll recall 3 years ago our Christmas blizzard and Kim, Karl and I so brilliantly decided to drive home. So a few prayers later, and Karl swooping in (late, but made the plane since it was delayed) to pick up dinner we arrived in Dayton about 1a.

The next morning I headed to Jessie's to hang out with her kiddos. Oh my goodness! They are fantastic! Logan is just stinking adorable and Karis is growing up. Dang!
Jessie and Logan.

Later that day was our annual "girls day". We met up at Joseph-Beth Bookstore in Hyde park and made our way to Mariemont....hello, insane-traffic-the-day-before-Christmas. we ended up at a wine cafe, Dilly's Deli.
This is my beautiful sister.

And this is my amazing mother.

Woke up Thursday morning (Christmas Eve) with a raging headache! Hello Miami (sinus) Valley...yep... Sinus infection. So I headed to the local urgent care. Awesome on Chirstmas Eve! You know, I have decided I really don't enjoy sitting on the other side of the table. First they weigh me. LOVE THAT...then that ask about my "social life". Do I smoke or drink. I said drink. she said 2-3 drinks per week? Kind of matter of factly as though she was telling me. I said probably 3-4. I received a disapproving look. Then I am ushered to the private room (where you hear everything going on next door) and sat on a medical table. I realize they are raised for the doctor's ergonomics, however I can't help but feel like a 2 year old. So a prescription in hand and a lecture to take Mucinex an hour later, I am on my way to my sisters. Kentucky, Wal-mart is our location of our rendezvous. That is a story. Let's just say- Terrible idea. My brain fried, exasperated by the population I had just spent the last 1 1/2 with we were enroute to my sister's to wrap presents and bake cookies.
This is after we have decompressed. Cookies are baked, and presents are wrapped.
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Heading home- Dad calls. Plans for the evening are made and I head over while we wait Beth and Mike show up. Dad and I head over the Gen's and get the party started.

One of the best gifts that night...fake mustaches. The boys loved them. So after heading back to Dad's for a few hours- it's now time for Christmas Ever service.

Mom Beth and me posing for our annual Christmas picture.
Our Christmas eve tradition is to take up a pot and bet on the end time of the 10:30p service. Little Morgan won! (her picture to follow) and then....back to Mom's for the Christmas Eve PaRtY. It went until....oh....3 in the morning.

My brothers:
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Miss Emily. Isn't she fantastic! I can't believe she was one of my first students...dang I am getting old!

Christmas day unfolded a bit later in the day since we were up crazy hours of the night. Traditional Christmas breakfast and then down to Beth's for dinner.
Saturday? Yep.... going to the farm.
Kaleb and Ethan. Trouble. (but fun)
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Molly my cousin's wife. She is so much fun!
Zach, he always brings the party with him. :)
Mr. Everett. My cousin's son. A ball of energy.

Posted by PicasaMiss Morgan and Miss Audrey....dang they are almost done with high school. Where has time gone?

The sisters...(oh, there are still two more)...Mom, Ann and Dot.
So after Christmas at the farm on Saturday, I fly out Sunday.... but wait, wait, wait....first there is brunch with the Luthern Lounge Lizzard clan. Where of which, I was informed I gave one of the mom's her first hangover with my cider drink on Christmas eve. Apparently she thought it was the flu and didn't realize the cider had a little more than apple juice in it.
Oh! and let me introduce you to Morgan. Morgan is the one who won the Christmas Eve bet...uhm, I mean charity pot.

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Karl and Erin's new litle girl, Addison.

Erin. One of my best friends from childhood.

Sorry, I had to post this picture because I laugh at it every single time I see it! Addison was not happy with me.
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Ah yes...Morgan expresses the feelings of the holiday season! Until next year...
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Rheya Lee

Rheya was my camera's first object of affection. Meaning, she was here the day I opened my camera! The camera and Rehya found love at first sight. I can hardly believe it's been about 6 months since I have seen this princess, but time flies. Janie was working at her salon and needed someone to spend the evening with Rheya....Oooo...OOooo...Pick me. Pick me.
So after she fell asleep on the car ride to my place, she quickly woke back up after being thrust in to the cold air while enduring the shake of 2 flights of stairs in a baby carrier.
Upon arrival I thought it best to feed the babe. What does a bachelorette have that is edible for a 15mo old? Good question. I wasn't sure what I was going to feed we boiled some mini bow-tie pasta, and I had a yellow cake mix that is about....Oh, I'd definitely say as old as Rheya Lee is...and I thought PERFECT! Baby and I will bake a cake. Well Rheya Lee liked that idea as well. We didn't tell her mommy until the piece of cake was consumed!
Also, I learned a bit of sign language. I know what 'more' is. This pinching of fingers and thumbs together and hitting the tip of the right hand fingers against the tip of the left hand fingers. What I didn't know was the waving of both hands in the air. Apparently, it mean all done. Not please wash my hands now....though, I guess they are close enough.

Mama is a make-up artisit...This little girl already knows what to do with a brush...she was painting her face with it.

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She kept saying "numm. numm. numm." Dang, I love it!
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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Volunteer Christmas party

Timberline youth adult volunteer Christmas party....Whew... what a mouth full!
We met at the Sheldon House this year...It was great. It felt my family-ish. An amazing dinner cooked by May and Sue. A white elephant exchange that always brings smiles. It was just an overall great night with some of the best people in Fort Collins.

A few of the volunteers~Ryan, Jen, Kory and Jessica.


Lots of our volunteers~Jordan, Abby in the front. Kevin in the green shirt and Bethany.
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Kory and me.


Tim and Jason.
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So I am starting this new project. I love hands, they are a life story without words. Coffee is always a comfort, and I think breakfast is the most intimate meal of the day, shared with those you allow closest to you.
So for the decor of my new kitchen I am collecting pictures of hands holding coffee mugs at breakfast. This is the start of my collection.

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