The Boy~ Brian
How cliche to start with "New Year- New You". So I am not going to say "New You" but how about a "Better You". And when I say You, I mean Me!
Major events of 2010-
Moving out of my apartment and into an interim place. My amazing friend Carolyn housed me until my house was ready to be moved into.
In exchange for loaning my house to another family in need of temporary shelter~they did some beautiful, necessary, fantastic renovations for me.
After spending Easter with my childhood friend in Denver, I came back to Fort Collins to find out my mom has been hospitalized and very sick. 10L of oxygen- sick. In Ohio. Which effectively means she can't come and visit me in Colorado. After many prayers being answered she began her recovery so she was able to come out and visit in May.
May- I move in my house. My friend Rachel comes out to visit and we run the Boulder Bolder (5 yr
anniversary from when I had first moved out here). I start volunteering for the Fort Collins Foxes Baseball team as their trainer. I adopt a rescue 6 year old
weimaraner- Harper.
June/July- I take my first real vacation in about 5 years. My aunt and uncles cabin in Canada. No running water, no electricity. We boat to the island. My cousin Katie (who just graduated from culinary school- so yes, we ate amazing!), my aunt, uncle and mom.
August- I start dating Brian. Very important! One of my
best friends, becomes my boyfriend. I visit Cozumel for another
best freind's wedding. Where my role is
armature photographer. Photos turned out fine. The partying turned out fine.
Ok, maybe too fine.
September- My cousin's San Francisco wedding. I love San Francisco, you really should visit if you haven't been~ I get super sick....but never fear, a wedding must go on. And a party must be had....despite the fever. Family is amazing. My youngest aunt, cousin (bride's brother), the new mother-in-law...and of course me....ensured there was a dance party! The end of the trip tied off with a nice tour of
Sonoma Valley!
October- My brave boyfriend decides he wouldn't mind meeting the family. The farm. The
apple butter. Did I mention how amazing he is? Well. He's fantastic! We see much of
Cincinnati including Skyline, childhood/ college friends, Jungle
November-Dad is hospitalized. I make a weekend trip home to say goodbye. He makes it out of the hospitalized despite constant low blood pressure.
December- Christmas. For some reason this year~ I just didn't feel it. I blamed it on the 60 degree Colorado weather. Christmas comes and goes. December 26
th Dad dies. I fly home New Year's Eve.
So with this all said. I am so grateful for family. friends. love. acceptance. understanding.
I have learned you attend funerals for those surviving. If your close to a survivor. Attend to give support even if you never met the deceased.
I have learned family~ even those that you have seen in 20 years, are still family. They still love you despite the gossip spoken. I am awed that cousins I hadn't seen in so long, rushed (literally rushed....were there within an hour) to help during a very difficult time! Thank you Steve, Cindy and Vickie!
I have learned life is good when you best friend becomes your boyfriend.
I have learned to ask for help. Sort of. (I'm still working on the pride thing). Thank you to the
Trainor's and Jeff and Brian on all of the house work.
I have learned that I love my job. They are great in bettering my skills and challenging me. And provide support when my life is rough. I also love that my co-workers are my friends and take care of me.
I have learned that fitness is a yo-yo and ongoing battle. So my resolution is to eat better and exercise. Not to beat myself up if x pounds aren't lost in x weeks.
I have learned that people surprise me. For better and for worse. But the truth is anger is generated out of hurt feelings. And we are all just trying to make it the best we know how.
So. Go out and love. My dear and wise friend Abby and I have had the conversation that I am humbled as I age. I use to look at people and think~ I will never do that when I am in that situation....and then something funny happens, you are in that situation and find yourself doing the one thing you swore you would never do. Or you wonder how could anyone ever make that decision, and then you start listening to their story and realize....Wow. All things considered, that makes sense now. So don't judge, when you do you're letting God know you are more capable of doing His job than he is. All he ever asks us to do is love.
(I am sure I left out more major events that occured in 2010- Please don't take offense if I forgot to mention them. I love you no less. I am sure they will appear on her shortly :) ).